I am a passionate, life-long learner. Amongst countless training programs, certificates and adventures, there are some that stand out as particularly formative. Select each item in the accordion to read more about what I learned.
Completed in 2021

This degree provided a high-level understanding of digital media, the production and distribution of effective and innovative content in the digital space, and in depth knowledge of the fundamental media technologies.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2009

This degree provided a foundational knowledge of leading organisations, providing support to staff as a manager and key human resources concepts.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2009

This degree covered all things commerce, including technical financial concepts and legal studies.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2014: TAE50211

This qualification caters for unique roles of training developers and instructional designers within the Australian vocational education and training sector.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2017

This course allowed for practical application of UX methods and strategies to achieve successful design solutions.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2013

This course employed on a hands-on approach to understanding the continuous improvement process of Lean and Six Sigma.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2013: TAE

This qualification allowed me to develop my skills in training design, delivery and assessment.
Concepts covered include:
Completed in 2013: PSP42108

This qualification provided foundational learning to perform in Government, along with accreditation to facilitate this course.
Concepts covered include: